AT1P106 | Seedling Growth | Seedling growth rate was given by leaf area divided by the number of days of growth since sowing ( in cm2/day) | continuous | 100 |
AT_P_1 | LD | Number of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200 | continuous | 167 |
AT_P_10 | Emwa1 | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 85 |
AT_P_11 | Emoy* | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 76 |
AT_P_12 | Hiks1 | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 84 |
AT_P_13 | Noco2 | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 87 |
AT_P_14 | Li7 | Lithium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_15 | B11 | Boron concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_158 | Silique 16 | The length of 5 siliques was measured for each accession after growth had concluded | categorical | 95 |
AT_P_159 | Silique 22 | The length of 5 siliques was measured for each accession after growth had concluded | categorical | 95 |
AT_P_16 | Na23 | Sodium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_161 | Germ 10 | Days to germination of each accession were recorded daily at each temperature upon first emergence of cotyledons | categorical | 177 |
AT_P_162 | Germ 16 | Days to germination of each accession were recorded daily at each temperature upon first emergence of cotyledons | categorical | 176 |
AT_P_163 | Germ 22 | Days to germination of each accession were recorded daily at each temperature upon first emergence of cotyledons | categorical | 177 |
AT_P_164 | Width 10 | The diameters of 4 plants of each accession were measured and the results were expressed as an average value across all available replicates.Plants were scored 8 weeks post germination | continuous | 176 |
AT_P_165 | Width 16 | The diameters of 4 plants of each accession were measured and the results were expressed as an average value across all available replicates.Plants were scored 5 weeks post germination | continuous | 175 |
AT_P_166 | Width 22 | The diameters of 4 plants of each accession were measured and the results were expressed as an average value across all available replicates.Plants were scored 5 weeks post germination | continuous | 175 |
AT_P_167 | Chlorosis 10 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of chlorosis in all 4 plants / accession after 8wks of growth | binary | 177 |
AT_P_168 | Chlorosis 16 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of chlorosis in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growth | binary | 176 |
AT_P_169 | Chlorosis 22 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of chlorosis in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growth | binary | 176 |
AT_P_17 | Mg25 | Magnesium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_170 | Anthocyanin 10 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of anthocyanin in all 4 plants / accession after 8wks of growth | binary | 177 |
AT_P_171 | Anthocyanin 16 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of anthocyanin in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growth | binary | 176 |
AT_P_172 | Anthocyanin 22 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of anthocyanin in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growth | binary | 177 |
AT_P_173 | Leaf serr 10 | Average severity of serration across 4 plants was scored between 0 (entire lamina) and 1.5 (jagged serration) after 8 weeks of growth | categorical | 174 |