AT_P_70 | Bs CFU2 | In planta bacterial growth (number of CFU / leaf area) of the P. viridiflava strain was individually measured as described in Goss and Bergelson 2006 | continuous | 175 |
AT_P_21 | Ca43 | Calcium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_31 | Cd114 | Cadmium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_167 | Chlorosis 10 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of chlorosis in all 4 plants / accession after 8wks of growth | binary | 177 |
AT_P_168 | Chlorosis 16 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of chlorosis in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growth | binary | 176 |
AT_P_169 | Chlorosis 22 | Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of chlorosis in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growth | binary | 176 |
AT_P_24 | Co59 | Cobalt concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_26 | Cu65 | Copper concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_279 | DSDS50 | Number of days of seed dry storage required to reach 50% germination, or DSDS50 value (Alonso-Blanco et al., 2003) | continuous | 109 |
AT_P_76 | DW | Lesioning measured by dry weight | continuous | 95 |
AT_P_9 | Emco5 | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 86 |
AT_P_11 | Emoy* | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 76 |
AT_P_10 | Emwa1 | All interactions were scored specifically on first true leaves as compatible, incompatible or intermediate depending on the consistency of presence / absence of sporangiophores determined on 5-10 seedlings of each genotype with three independent replications | binary | 85 |
AT_P_23 | Fe56 | Iron concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_43 | FLC | RNA was extracted from leaves after 4 wks of growth. FLC gene expression levels were determined by Northern hybridization quantified relative to $Beta;-TUBULIN expression | continuous | 167 |
AT_P_44 | FRI | RNA was extracted from leaves after 4 wks of growth. FRI gene expression levels were determined by Northern hybridization quantified relative to $Beta;-TUBULIN expression | continuous | 164 |
AT_P_5 | FT10 | Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collected | continuous | 194 |
AT_P_6 | FT16 | Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collected | continuous | 193 |
AT_P_7 | FT22 | Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collected | continuous | 193 |
AT_P_58 | FT Diameter Field | Longest diameter of the plant measured on the day the first flower was observed | continuous | 180 |
AT_P_60 | FT Duration GH | Number of days between appearance of the first flower and the senescence of the last flower | continuous | 147 |
AT_P_57 | FT Field | Flowering time was scored as the number of days between germination date and appearance of the first flower | continuous | 180 |
AT_P_59 | FT GH | Flowering time was scored as the number of days between germination date and appearance of the first flower | continuous | 166 |
AT_P_75 | FW | Lesioning measured by fresh weight | continuous | 95 |
AT_P_161 | Germ 10 | Days to germination of each accession were recorded daily at each temperature upon first emergence of cotyledons | categorical | 177 |