AT_P_28 | As75 | Arsenic concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_29 | Se82 | Selenium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_30 | Mo98 | Molybdenum concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_31 | Cd114 | Cadmium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_277 | Secondary Dormancy | Secondary dormancy was given by the slope between the germination percentages of non-dormant seeds after one and six weeks of cold treatment. Viability of non germinating seeds after cold treatment was confirmed as described in Cadman et al., 2006 | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_278 | Germ in dark | The ability to germinate in the dark at 4°C was measured as the percentage of non dormant seeds that can germinate during 1-week long cold exposure, in the absence of light | continuous | 93 |
AT_P_183 | Trichome avg C | Measurements were collected from leaf disks removed from the 11th leaf of plants that had been treated with 0.6ml of a water control (C). Trichome density was calculated as the trichome number per disk divided by the disk area | continuous | 94 |
AT_P_184 | Trichome avg JA | Measurements were collected from leaf disks removed from the 11th leaf of plants that had been treated with 0.6 ml of a 0.45mM solution of jasmonic acid (Sigma J-2500) in water (JA). Trichome density was calculated as the trichome number per disk divided by the disk area | continuous | 94 |
AT_P_185 | Aphid number | On day 25 of growth,two alate females of the common peach aphid, Myzus persicae,were placed on each of four plants of each of the 96 genotypes. Nine days later, the number of offspring produced by these aphids on each plant was recorded. | continuous | 94 |
AT_P_186 | Bacterial titer | Following inoculation into leaf tissues, the titers of bacteria were measured at 0 and 4 days. Bacterial titres were measured from hole-punched leaf disks ground in 200μL of 10 mM MgSO4. Measurements were expressed as colony forming units per unit area and replicated in triplicate. | continuous | 95 |
AT_P_75 | FW | Lesioning measured by fresh weight | continuous | 95 |
AT_P_76 | DW | Lesioning measured by dry weight | continuous | 95 |
AT_P_77 | LES | Lesioning is the presence in older leaves of necrotic spots, that spread to the whole leaf. Lesioned accessions were divided in three subgroups (mild, intermediate and severe) according to the severity of lesioning | binary | 95 |
AT_P_78 | YEL | Yellowing is a precocious,more diffused leaf chlorosis.Accessions were divided in three subgroups (mild, intermediate and severe) according to the severity of the yellowing. | binary | 95 |
AT_P_79 | LY | Presence of lesioning and yellowing. | binary | 95 |
AT_P_158 | Silique 16 | The length of 5 siliques was measured for each accession after growth had concluded | categorical | 95 |
AT_P_159 | Silique 22 | The length of 5 siliques was measured for each accession after growth had concluded | categorical | 95 |
AT1P106 | Seedling Growth | Seedling growth rate was given by leaf area divided by the number of days of growth since sowing ( in cm2/day) | continuous | 100 |
AT_P_279 | DSDS50 | Number of days of seed dry storage required to reach 50% germination, or DSDS50 value (Alonso-Blanco et al., 2003) | continuous | 109 |
AT_P_273 | Vern Growth | Vegetative growth rate during vernalization was estimated as the increment of cm2 leaf area per day between each of the three time points for which leaf area was measured | continuous | 110 |
AT_P_274 | After Vern Growth | Vegetative growth rate after vernalization was estimated as the increment of cm2 leaf area per day between each of the three time points for which leaf area was measured | continuous | 110 |
AT_P_280 | Seed bank 133-91 | Genotypes consistently decreased their percentage of germination between 91 and 133 days of dry storage. The time point for this sudden reduction in germination rate was scored by the slope between germination percentages at these two time points | continuous | 110 |
AT_P_281 | Storage 7 days | Primary dormancy was measured as the progressive increase of germination rate measured after 7 days of dry storage | continuous | 110 |
AT_P_282 | Storage 28 days | Primary dormancy was measured as the progressive increase of germination rate measured after 28 days of dry storage | continuous | 110 |
AT_P_283 | Storage 56 days | Primary dormancy was measured as the progressive increase of germination rate measured after 56 days of dry storage | continuous | 110 |