AT_P_41 | 4W | Number of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cm | continuous | 119 |
AT_P_48 | 0W GH LN | Leaf number was scored as the number of rosette leaves and the number of cauline leaves when the bolt reached 5cm | continuous | 135 |
AT_P_39 | 0W | Number of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cm | continuous | 137 |
AT_P_60 | FT Duration GH | Number of days between appearance of the first flower and the senescence of the last flower | continuous | 147 |
AT_P_61 | LC Duration GH | Number of days between germination and plant complete senescence | continuous | 147 |
AT_P_63 | MT GH | Number of days between last flower senescence and complete plant senescence | continuous | 147 |
AT_P_64 | RP GH | Reproduction period: number of days between the appearance of the first flower and the plant complete senescence | continuous | 147 |
AT_P_62 | LFS GH | Number of days between germination and senescence of the last flower | continuous | 148 |
AT_P_40 | 2W | Number of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cm | continuous | 152 |
AT_P_47 | 0W GH FT | Flowering time was scored as the number of days for the bolt to reach 5cm | continuous | 153 |
AT_P_42 | 8W | Number of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cm | continuous | 155 |
AT_P_4 | SDV | Number of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200 | continuous | 159 |
AT_P_3 | SD | Number of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200 | continuous | 162 |
AT_P_45 | 8W GH FT | Flowering time was scored as the number of days for the bolt to reach 5cm | continuous | 162 |
AT_P_46 | 8W GH LN | Leaf number was scored as the number of rosette leaves and the number of cauline leaves when the bolt reached 5cm | continuous | 163 |
AT_P_44 | FRI | RNA was extracted from leaves after 4 wks of growth. FRI gene expression levels were determined by Northern hybridization quantified relative to $Beta;-TUBULIN expression | continuous | 164 |
AT_P_59 | FT GH | Flowering time was scored as the number of days between germination date and appearance of the first flower | continuous | 166 |
AT_P_1 | LD | Number of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200 | continuous | 167 |
AT_P_43 | FLC | RNA was extracted from leaves after 4 wks of growth. FLC gene expression levels were determined by Northern hybridization quantified relative to $Beta;-TUBULIN expression | continuous | 167 |
AT_P_2 | LDV | Number of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200 | continuous | 168 |
AT_P_173 | Leaf serr 10 | Average severity of serration across 4 plants was scored between 0 (entire lamina) and 1.5 (jagged serration) after 8 weeks of growth | categorical | 174 |
AT_P_65 | At1 | Four days after inoculation, leaves were scored by eye for disease symptom using a scale from 0 (no visible symptom) to 10 (leaves collapse and turn yellow), with an increment of 1. | continuous | 175 |
AT_P_66 | At1 CFU2 | In planta bacterial growth (number of CFU / leaf area) of the P. viridiflava strain was individually measured as described in Goss and Bergelson 2006 | continuous | 175 |
AT_P_67 | As | Four days after inoculation, leaves were scored by eye for disease symptom using a scale from 0 (no visible symptom) to 10 (leaves collapse and turn yellow), with an increment of 1. | continuous | 175 |
AT_P_68 | As CFU2 | In planta bacterial growth (number of CFU / leaf area) of the P. viridiflava strain was individually measured as described in Goss and Bergelson 2006 | continuous | 175 |