General information

Phenotype ID: ANN rm218P127
Name: Ligules number
Species: Helianthus annuus
Dataset: wild Helianthus annuus, SNPs remapped to HA412
Variation Type: continuous
Number of accessions: 580
Category: Inflorescence traits
Phenotype scoring: Average number of ligule per Inflorescence
Source: None
Description: Ligules were counted from pictures of the first three inflorescences for each individual.

Additional Meta Information

No additional meta information available

Phenotype Distribution


Shapiro-Wilk Test Statistic

The Shapiro-Wilk-Test tests the null hypothesis that the data was drawn from a normal distribution.



authorstitlepub yearjournalvolumepagesdoi
Marco Todesco et al.Massive haplotypes underlie ecotypic differentiation in sunflowers2020NatureNAN-A10.1038/s41586-020-2467-6